“An individual …

“An individual whom chooses to start a business should consider it as not something that will make you money, give you success or fame etc. They should consider it a life choice that they stick to, it should be a choice that gets them up in the morning and gives them the drive to do anything and everything they can to make a difference to this world. Once you achieve that difference, this is the reward for your dedication” — Midge Mc’Sticky

Well, only a short blog post today. I wanted to write something to keep me motivated to achieving my goals. I wanted to give myself the boost that my hard work will pay off. I don’t believe that the mindset of making money is the key to starting a business, i believe that making a difference is the real key. I hope that this quote i have formulated assists all of my fellow dream chasers. Goodnight my friends ❤ 

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